December 17, 2018


The wool of truth may be made of any species of wool. So long as it is spun with intent and created with a pure heart. Be warned, truth can be a fickle thing!

With kindest regards,
The Translator

December 3, 2018


Ah tumblr. The spin of the lies, the burn of deseat. The cute kittens only ease that which hurts you and lulls you in for more.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

November 19, 2018

November 5, 2018

3 P's

Prawn, porn and pron. All can be good. All can be oh so very wrong.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

October 15, 2018

Office Gothic

Not what you thought it was, not what you ever thought you would want. Just something that drives you crazy and makes you want a longer vacation that never comes. Like a raise. For ever a brides maid and never a manager.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

October 1, 2018

No One

No one realizes how evil they are until the day...
The day when they say 'for your own good' and they don't actually mean it.  

With kindest regards,
The Translator

September 17, 2018

New Bodies

New bodies acquired by lost souls of the lost god. Prior occupant souls fed to lost god. All rejoice in the feeding. All but then newly eaten soul.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

September 3, 2018


Insanity in art can be a good thing. Insanity in politics, less so.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

August 20, 2018


Morbid is as morbid does. Burn the bodies, eyes and tongues.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

August 6, 2018

The Thing

The thing with the stuff... 
For the place, where the people that did a thing... 
For that other thing, that coincided with that place with the stuff for the other stuff.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

This is

This is what it feels like when your life flashes before your eyes.
Personally, I'm a little disappointed.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

July 16, 2018

July 2, 2018


Fanfiction can be both the nectar of the gods and the wrath of the gods.  

With kindest regards,
The Translator

June 18, 2018

Life or Light

That life flashing before your eyes when you die? Yeah, thats what you are re-living now.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

June 4, 2018


Taking off a finger is like bi-secting a chicken wing. 
You swirl the knife around the joint then snap it in half the wrong way. 
Works for other things as well.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

May 21, 2018

The Lady

The Lady comes before she goes. Why she stops, everyone knows.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

May 7, 2018

Snip Snap

Snip, snap went the crack of their back as the ate away at their tendons.
Sharp pointed little bite and bits.
Their scream was deafening.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

April 16, 2018

One Two Three

Frank, Bob and Bill. One is rich while the others ill. One is smart but six feet under. And one forgets while the others remember.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

April 2, 2018


Morbid times are here again.
Who knew the 90's would come back like this?
On my children, on to the coming dawn!

With kindest regards,
The Translator

March 19, 2018

The List

The list of things that never get done. The list gets longer still with each passing day.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

February 19, 2018


Perhaps a particular phrase should be changed to 'savor satan'. because no one was to be associated with hydra or their parent dictatorship.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

February 5, 2018


The political correct mean well.
Sadly they suffer fanatics like everyone else.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

January 15, 2018


Tears and tears. One hurts, the other wets. Which one?

With kindest regards,
The Translator

January 1, 2018


Happy New Years 2018!
Just a quick Blot to let you all know the world didn't end.

With kindest regards,

The Translator