November 21, 2022

High School Goth

Oh for the whimsy of the high school goth! To be young again and in love with the aesthetic all over again!
The time before the large name store sold out, when it's quality was crap but it's employees full of life.
These are the days that such follies are thought on with tender remembrance and wishes that you had known better. Had been kinder to them.
Perhaps in time you can try again.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

November 7, 2022

The sickness

Oh to be down and out with the sickness.
No fun. No music. Oh the agony.
If only the pulsing beats were here to whisk you away.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

Oh for the

Oh for the chatter!
Oh for the weeping of the night!
Oh for the love of god will your brain let you sleep when you want to!

With kindest regards,
The Translator