December 19, 2022

Coffee Shop AU

Oh that which is the Coffee Shop AU!
But, if not for the fandom drama, why all the hate?
Once upon a time, the coffee shop was a safe haven. Kids flocked there for comfort similar to what they were told 'was like home'. Their manners were high and they money slim. The good kept away the bad.
Now, it is a mockery of what it once was.
Corporate greed and the intrusion of the boomers has driven many of the best coffee makers away. With them, the good kids have no reason to visit and make sure everything is ok. An thus the bad slowly gets worse.
Until finally, a trope is made.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

December 5, 2022


So many talk of loosing weight to be happy, to be healthy.
So many think it is your personal weight.
None think of the weight from stress, sickness and work.
Perhaps this should be the weight that you focus on a bit.

With kindest regards,
The Translator