June 19, 2023

Tiny Fluffy Rage

Beware the Tiny Fluffy Rage!
For it is small, possibly even cute.
Yet its rage is such that even the most stalwart of companions will back away when let loose!
For even the tiniest of the fluffy rages can be cute as they rip open your jugular.

With kindest regards,
The Translator

June 5, 2023

A Bad Interview

A bad interview can make or break anyone.
In the corporate world they like to blame the person going for the interview, not realizing that they too are interviewing to be the place that the potential employee says yes to.
A bad interview has broken companies.
See a job posting that seems to always bee there and yet you never hear anything about it from people? That could be a company that has such a bad culture that it shows in their bad interview practices.
Always be aware.

With kindest regards,
The Translator